Equal Employment Opportunity | HR-01.02

Indian Rocks is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity to all qualified persons without regard to their race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, or age. Indian Rocks is committed to accommodating persons who have disabilities who wish to serve. To deny a qualified person the chance to contribute to the ministries of Indian Rocks because he or she is a member of a minority group is unfair to everyone and is not consistent with Scriptural principles.

Indian Rocks does reserve the right to employ persons who have a spiritual background and philosophy of ministry similar to ours and who, in the opinion of the church, have a work history and lifestyle that is consistent with Scriptural principles. All employment decisions will be made in compliance with applicable labor laws, which do not contradict Scriptural mandates.

We expect all employees to show respect and sensitivity toward all other employees and to demonstrate a commitment to the church’s Equal Employment Opportunity objectives. If an employee observes a violation of this policy, he/she should contact the Human Resource Director.

This policy pertains to all employment practices to include but not limited to selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, benefits, training and termination.

Immigration Law Compliance
Indian Rocks is committed to employing United States citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the United States and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of citizenship or national origin.

In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, each new employee as a condition of employment must complete the Employment Verification Form 1-9 and present original documents establishing identity and employment eligibility. This process is facilitated by the Human Resources Director. The completed 1-9 forms are retained in the Human Resources Office apart from the employee personnel files.

Effective Date: June 2007
Review Date: March 2022

Updated on March 3, 2023

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