Confidentiality | HR-01.04

Employees are required to treat all ministry information with the utmost confidentiality. Employees with access to confidential or sensitive information are not to divulge this information with any other persons unless authorized to do so.

Disclosure of confidential ministry information can result in civil or criminal penalty for all parties involved. When in doubt as to whether information is of a confidential nature, judgment should be on the side of caution, until proper guidance be provided through the Church Administrator or Human Resources Director.

Confidentiality between the Pastoral Staff and church members is a fundamental principal of the ministry. To prevent embarrassing situations, it is essential for all employees regardless of position to respect and maintain the confidential aspect of ministry. Correspondence, counseling, conversations and negotiations must not be discussed with other persons or in any way made public. Church Membership information is equally confidential and may be used only in accordance with established procedures. Information regarding internal activities should also be treated carefully in respect to the nature of the activity.

Effective Date: July 2004
Review Date: March 2022

Updated on March 3, 2023

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