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  5. Employment of Relatives/Personal Relationships | HR-01.15

Employment of Relatives/Personal Relationships | HR-01.15

Relatives or persons involved in a dating relationship working in the same area of an organization could cause potential problems. In addition, to claims of favoritism and morale issues, personal conflicts from outside can sometimes carry over to work. A relative is defined as any person who is related to you by blood or marriage, or whose relationship with you is similar to that of a relative. Indian Rocks employees are not permitted to date current students of IRCS and are required to conduct themselves in a representation of Christian Character. This policy applies to all employees.

An employee may not directly work for a relative or supervise a relative. Indian Rocks does not allow a person in a dating relationship to work for the other person in that relationship or to supervise the other person. If two employees become relatives, or start a dating relationship and one of them supervises the other, the supervisor is required to communicate with the Human Resources Director regarding the relationship. In this situation the two employees must decide which of them is to be transferred to another position(if available). If a decision is not concluded upon within 30 calendar days, Indian Rocks will determine which one will be transferred or, if necessary, terminated from employment.

There may also be situations when there is a conflict or the potential for conflict because of the relationship between employees, even if there is no direct reporting relationship or authority involved. In that case, we may separate the employees by reassignment or termination of employment. If you are in a close personal relationship with another employee, we ask that you avoid displays of affection or excessive personal conversation at work.

Effective Date: March 2010
Review Date: March 2022

Updated on March 3, 2023

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