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  4. Communications Requests Links
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  4. Communications Requests Links

Communications Requests Links

If you have saved the old form URL, update your bookmarks. The old form will no longer work.

Event Submission
For any events that need to go on the website/in the bulletin/announcements

Graphic Design
If you need a graphic created for digital or print (Note: this used to include printing in the request, but it’s been wildly confusing. I just developed a new Print Request board that is much more efficient and will give you more communication along the way in the project!)

Website Update
If you need content updated on your ministry site, or if you see errors on any page or event page use this to send the details and exact URL

Other requests should be reserved for special situations that can’t fit into the other four categories of requests. These are generally pre-determined and communicated from the comms team.

Print Request
This is NEW. For anything you need to be printed, use this to request it. You will receive an automatic email with a finance transfer that you will digitally sign, and once that’s completed, we will work your project into our production schedule. Then when your project is ready for pickup, you will get an email with a specific shelf to pick up your order. (Hello, Uber Eats for paper!)

Note: If you have multiple sizes or files for a single event or project, submit each unique file one at a time, and once you submit, you will see a button to go back and submit another, and that will pre-fill the fields that should stay the same and let you upload a new file and specify the quantity.

Updated on September 9, 2024

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