Electronic Device Usage | HR-01.12

Telephone Use
Indian Rocks recognizes that occasionally staff members need to make or receive personal telephone calls during working hours. However, Indian Rocks asks that staff members restrict their personal telephone usage to emergency situations. Additionally, staff members may not charge personal long-distance calls to the ministry. Excessive personal telephone usage may result in formal disciplinary action to include but not limited to termination of employment.

Personal Electronic Usage
Indian Rocks prefers staff to not utilize Personal Electronic Devices during work hours to conduct personal business. This is to include but not limited to cell phones, accessing social networking websites, face book, my space and twitter. These devices may be utilized during authorized lunch breaks. Additionally, Indian Rocks ask that staff silence their Personal Electronic Devices during work hours and refrain from utilization during scheduled meetings, as a courtesy to those in attendance.

Internet Use
Staff having authorized access to the Internet understands that this technology is to be used for ministry related use only. Indian Rocks staff are not permitted to access personal social networking sites or gaming sites.

Social Networking
Departments having authorization to utilize social networking resources must do so for ministry related purposes only. Indian Rocks does not authorize the use of ministry resources to access gaming sites, survey request or chat rooms as provided through social networking.

Email Use
Staff who have access to the e-mail system understand that it is for ministry use only, and are encouraged to minimize the personal use of the system. They further understand that forwarding of ‘chain’ e-mails, jokes, cartoons or any other non ministry-related material is strictly forbidden. Staff are encouraged to delete any of these e-mails as they are received. Furthermore, staff members are requested to ask their source of these e-mails to remove them from their distribution list. All staff members who disregard this policy and continue to forward this material will be subjected to disciplinary actions to include but not limited to termination. Email accounts are not to be utilized to register for personal access to recreational or gaming sites.

Effective Date: October 2009
Review Date: March 2022

Updated on March 3, 2023

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