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  4. How to write the weekly Livestream stats report email

How to write the weekly Livestream stats report email

We report our Livestream numbers for use in our aggregated data dashboard each week. We gather these numbers from various sources like our YouTube channel and our website/app streaming service from Resi. Review the following articles to learn how to find those stats on Resi and YouTube.

How to report weekly Worship Service Livestream stats for Resi (Church Online)

How to report weekly Worship Service Livestream stats for YouTube

In order to maintain a standard of reporting and searchability, we use a standardized format for delivering the stats.

Every Monday morning, send an email to Jen Atkinson, Dean Savage, and the Media Dept with the following information/format.

Make sure to use the raw data as the numbers are multiplied by 1.7 to factor in multiple viewers.

Subject: Livestream #s – Month ## & ##, 2022 | (Non-Multiplied)


Country Church – Month # – 6 PM
Facebook: –
Website/App: N/A
YouTube: N/A
Blended – Month # – 9 AM
Facebook: –
Website/App: 239
YouTube: 72
Modern – Month # – 10:45 AM
Facebook: –  
Website/App: 99
YouTube: 24
Spanish Service – Month # – 11:00 AM
Facebook: –
Statistical data notes:
***Facebook has updated its reporting tools, and we cannot see any relevant concurrent viewer data, so I cannot report on it.***
These numbers are raw and non-multiplied. The standard multiplier should be used so that week-to-week data is consistently measured.
Facebook numbers are derived from Max Concurrent Views from Creator Studio per video.
Website/App numbers are derived from Viewers as reported in the Resi analytics dashboard for each event.
YouTube numbers are derived from Concurrent Viewers (while live streamed), are not always immediately available for review, and could take 24-48 hours or more.

Updated on November 7, 2022

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