How Do I Make a Purchase?

Indian Rocks Baptist Church Process

Fill out and submit a Purchase Order (Standard and 10-line versions available)

Indian Rocks Christian School Process

Use the Request for Payment form

Types of Requests

  • Purchase Order – Pre-Approval, Approved Vendor Account, Amazon Corporate Account, IR Eats. Make a purchase now and pay later. A PO# will be assigned before a purchase can be made. Purchase Order automatically converts to a check request after receiving the product and invoice.
  • Check Request – To request payment of an invoice or reimbursement.   Attach invoice or itemized receipt.
  • Akimbo Prepaid Mastercard – To request use when payment is $500 or less, and the exact amount is uncertain.
  • BOA Credit Card – To make payment with an administrator’s (Bank of America) credit card for online purchases, reservations, etc.  Attach invoice or itemized receipt.


  1. Fill out and submit the Request for Payment form, then print out the completed email confirmation form.

2. Attach required documentation (i.e. order details, invoice, or itemized receipt(s)).

3. Submit for approval & PO#. (if required)
(PK & Elem-Becky Hayward    MS-Terri Rick    HS-Anna Alldredge)

4. Place the order  OR  Process for payment.  

Updated on December 23, 2022

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